Camp O’Donnell, Capas, Tarlac – The Philippine Army Sergeant Major Course (PASMC) Class 06-2021 "MENTOR" culminates on 28 April 2022. TSg Ronaldo F Palito (Inf) PA of the 78th Infantry “Warrior” Battalion, 8th Infantry (Stormtroopers) Division, Philippine Army, ranked number 1 among the 39 students coming from the different units of the Philippine Army.

          The PA Sergeant Major Course is a 12-week course conducted by the Non-Commissioned Officer School (NCOS) under the Army Leadership Development and Education Center (ALDEC), TRADOC, PA located at Camp O’Donnell, Capas, Tarlac. The course prepares selected senior NCOs to be vanguards of discipline while considering it as a way of life and making them advocates of NCO empowerment.

          Major General Peter Angelo L Ramos, Commander of Training and Doctrine Command, Philippine Army, thanked and commended the instructors and training directorate of PASMC, under the supervision of Master Sergeant Willito P De Leon, NCOS Commandant, and the leadership of Colonel Paul Anthony R Guerrero, Director, ALDEC for successful graduation of another batch of future Army Sergeant Majors.

          He encourages everyone to contemplate and broaden the desire for responsibilities as Sergeant Majors. “Give our soldiers a role model to follow and be a source of inspiration to them. Maraming sundalo sa atin ang maagang nag reretire. It’s because the majority of them lost sight of the opportunities like these that you have. I, therefore, urge each of you to be seen working and exemplifying the highest ideals of discipline and duty,” Major General Ramos emphasized in his message.

          As soon these senior NCOs report back to their respective units and eventually be designated as Sergeant Majors, they will become a significant advisor to their unit Commander regarding the discipline and welfare of the enlisted personnel. They will make sure that policies are enforced by NCOs, whether in garrison or in the field, but at the same time looking out for their morale and welfare. In addition, one of the foremost tasks of a Sergeant Major is providing direct communication between soldiers and Officers within the unit. They serve as the bridge between the enlisted troops and the Commander. In the performance of these duties and responsibilities, they can primarily apply the holistic learnings that TRADOC instilled in them during the training.

          Strict observation of IATF covid protocols was implemented during the entire activity.

From Pangkat TRADOC, Congratulations!
