Camp O’Donnell, Capas, Tarlac - The Combat Fitness and Wellness Development Center has a new Commander in the person of Colonel Jeffrey Jake D Gallenero MNSA (GSC) PA, who assumed his post physically during the installation ceremony and attended virtually by officers and enlisted personnel outside post, on January 26, 2022. The ceremony was presided by Brigadier General Alvin V Flores PA, TRADOC Deputy Commander.

         During the ceremony, Brigadier General Flores welcomed the latest addition to Pangkat TRADOC saying: “The Commander of Combat Fitness and Wellness Development Center, plays a crucial role in the attainment of TRADOC’s mission. CFWDC is primary in charge of the physical programs and activities of our students and personnel. Each member of Pangkat TRADOC, and its product as well, must be physically fit to carry out their respective roles and responsibilities.”

         Colonel Gallenero is the 3rd Commander of the Combat Fitness and Wellness Development Center.

          Strict observation of IATF anti-COVID19 protocols was implemented during the entire activity.
