Camp O’Donnel, Capas, Tarlac – The 2nd Training Cyle for Calendar Year 2022 was formally started at Training and Doctrine Command, Philippine Army through physical and virtual Opening Ceremony at HTRADOC, Camp O’ Donnell, Capas, Tarlac on 20 May 2022.

            The Joint Opening Ceremony of Service Courses for 2nd Training Cycle, CY 2022 was graced by Major General Laurence E Mina, Commander of 5th Infantry (Star) Division, Philippine Army, as the Guest of Honor and Speaker (GOHAS). During the said ceremony Major General Mina challenged the students of various courses to not take the schooling just for compliance, not just for career advancement, but also for individual and personal development. “Education and training are important elements to prepare military personnel to gear up for the demands of the service. Career and specialization courses offered by the Philippine Army are designed to meet the ever-changing dynamics of the military environment. This is a key tool in achieving our vision of becoming a world-class Army,” Major General Mina stressed on his message.

            With 75 different career and specialization courses with 2,931 number of students, the training will be implemented by HTRADOC with its organic, extension schools and Division Training Schools (DTS). Out of 75 courses: 10 INCOAC; 13 INCOBC; 1 OSNCOBC; 1 MINCOBC; 1 AGSNCOBC; 1QMSNCOBC; 1SNCOBC; and 1FSNCOBC will be conducted at Philippine Army Major Unit (PAMU) DTS.

            TRADOC’s conduct of other service courses at PAMU DTS is also in accordance with the medium-term force structure of the Philippine Army wherein the Infantry Divisions will focus on their core functions and operational campaign.

            Strict observation of IATF and COVID19 protocols was implemented during the entire activity.
