Camp O’Donnell, Capas, Tarlac –36 Officers of Pangkat TRADOC were promoted and acknowledged during the Donning of Ranks Ceremony administered by Brigadier General Alvin V Flores, Acting Commander, at Headquarters Training and Doctrine Command, Philippine Army on 22 February 2023.

          BGen Flores congratulates the newly promoted officers. “As simple as this ceremony may seem, but it’s our simple way of recognizing the authority bestowed upon your ranks and establishing that authority within this command. And with that authority, expectations from you become higher”, he accentuated in his message.

          The “Donning of Ranks” is one of the most cherished tradition of the military to acknowledge the exceptional feats of deserving personnel promoted to the next higher rank. These newly promoted army personnel are bestowed with greater responsibility not just for themselves but also for our country. Their promotion is the product of their hard work and selfless service. Their years of hard work and perseverance paid off to achieve and gain their ranks.

          Strict observation of IATF and COVID-19 protocols was implemented during the entire activity.
