Camp O'Donnell, Capas, Tarlac - The Annual General Inspection (AGI) Team of the Philippine Army headed by Brigadier General Rommel K Tello PA, The Inspector General, Philippine Army, personally led the AGI team to inspect Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), Philippine Army on its performance for calendar year 2022 on 21 March 2023.

          Brigadier General Luis Rex D Bergante, Commander, TRADOC, PA, warmly welcomed the team with the traditional military honors. Moreover, the commander expresses his gratitude for the inspection for this will measure the performance of TRADOC and provide an outside perspective that will lead to the improvement of the command.

          TRADOC had been judged as the best functional command of the Philippine Army for calendar year 2021 for garnering the highest rating. This recognition of the Army will be the benchmark for outperforming the previous effort. The Annual General Inspection is very helpful in the improvement of the command in its systems and processes. Through this mechanism, TRADOC is evaluated based on its performance, particularly in educating and training the Army forces to accomplish its mission and finally ending the local communist terrorist group and other security threats in the country.

          As the army continuously evolves as a world-class, multi-mission ready and cross domain capable, TRADOC will play a vital role in educating and capacitating various army units vis-à-vis the capability upgrade and modernization program of the Philippine Army. The inspection will definitely jumps start another significant leap for TRADOC in accomplishing its mandate in support to the Army’s mission.
