Camp O’Donnel, Capas, Tarlac – The Multi-Sector Board (MSAB) of Training and Doctrine Command, Philippine Army convened its first meeting for CY 2023 at HTRADOC, Capas, Tarlac on 17 January 2023.
The meeting was spearheaded by Major General Peter L Ramos, Commander, Training and Doctrine Command, Philippine Army and physically attended by the coordinating Command’s Staff, Commanders, Directors and the members of TRADOC MSAB.
The MSAB members were carefully chosen to promote the continuity, sustainability and shared responsibility in pursuing the TRADOC Army Transformation Roadmap (ATR). The MSAB will serve as advisory capacitors to help TRADOC in achieving its goal toward a world-class training institution.
Strict observation of IATF and COVID19 protocols were implemented during the entire activity.